[fs2es-indexer] /etc/fs2es-indexer/config.ymlの設定(仕事場:Rocky Linux 8.8)


# The commented values are exemplary, the uncommented values are the default values!

# The directories which should be indexed
– “/home2/A3-linux-doc/A3-Linux”
– “/home2/A3-linux-doc/A3-MacWin”
# – “/my-storage-directory”

# TODO DS-Store ausschließen
# TODO Papierkorb

# (Optional) Exclude directories / files from the index
# Exclusion via a simple string search in the full path of the file / directory.
# If any of the given strings are found in the full path, it wont be added to the index.
# Usually faster than a regular expression!
– “.DS_Store”
– “._.DS_Store”

# Exclusion via testing if a regular expression matches the full path of the file / directory.
# If any of the regular expression matches, it wont be added to the index.
# Usually slower than using a simple string search.
# regular_expressions:
# – “\.Trash-\d+”

# The URL of the elasticsearch index
url: “”

# (Optional): The user for elasticsearch
# user: “fs2es-indexer”

# (Optional): The password for elasticsearch
# password: “secret!”

# The name of the elasticsearch index
index: “files”

# The amount of records to insert in one go (bulk)
bulk_size: 10000

# The wait time between indexing runs
# Allowed suffixes: s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days)
wait_time: “30m”

# Full path to the elasticsearch mapping configuration file.
# If you want to change the analyzer, you need to change it accordingly.
mapping: “/etc/fs2es-indexer/mapping.json”


